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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When can my child begin playing recreational soccer?
The club starts at U6 for all our players, which is birth year 2017. The club has partnered with Soccer Shots of South Nashville to offer a program for our future soccer stars starting as young as 2 years old up to 4 years old. If you are interested in this program then you can register here.

For a simpler overview please review our Age Matrix to see which birth years are currently able to register.
How do I determine the correct age group for my child?
Soccer ages are determined by the birth year model. Tennessee State Soccer Association and US Youth Soccer mandated this rule to all recreational soccer clubs. Our Age Matrix is the best source for this information. The age matrix is current for our 2022/2023 season.
Nolensville Soccer Club starts our league at U6, which is birth year 2017. 

For quick reference you can use the Age Matrix grid to find the correct age group for your child for the current soccer year.

What Does "U6" or "U8" (etc.) mean?
"U8" is short for "under 8 years old".
The system is analogous for U6, U10, etc. In general, U6 players will be 4 or 5 years old, U8 players will be 6 or 7 years old, and U10 players will be 8 or 9 years old. Sometimes, U7 and U8 age groups or U9 and U10 age groups are split into these 1-year increments, but our club generally means "U7 and U8" when we say U8 and "U9 and U10" when we say U10.
When will practices begin?
You can find a list of game dates and other important dates on our Dates/Schedules page. Practices traditionally start three weeks before our first game.

When will I hear from a coach?
Coaches will contact you shortly after all the teams have a Head Coach and Asst Coach. Please consider volunteering since we always need coaches. We will not release rosters until all teams have a coach.
How often do we practice?
NSC recreational teams practice once per week. Teams can practice during the evening from Monday to Thursday. The practice day and time is decided by the head coach. 

  • Teams may practice twice a week before the start of the season.

When will I know my player's practice schedule?
We allow coaches to select the night of the week and the time slot for their practice. Once the rosters are distributed to the coaches, your coach will contact you and inform you of the practice night and time they have chosen.
What equipment do I need for my child?
Each player should bring the following equipment to every practice, game, and clinic:

  • Soccer ball
    • U5 to U8 - Size 3
    • U10 to U12 - Size 4
    • U14 and up - Size 5
  • Soccer cleats (non-metal cleats and not baseball cleats, baseball cleats have a spike at the top center of the sole)
  • Shin guards (must be worn under and completely covered by long socks and are REQUIRED)
  • Water bottle

A team jersey, shorts, and socks will be provided as part of registration.
Can my son or daughter request to play on the same team as their friends, or can I request teammates to facilitate car pooling? Can I request a coach that my child had previously?
NSC has over 1,200 participants in the soccer program each year. Consistent with our mission statement, our goal is to cultivate the skills of our young players while helping them develop a love for the game. We work hard to establish teams that are roughly equal in skill level. Fulfilling requests is secondary to establishing balanced leagues.
Although requests are taken into consideration, the program has no obligation to fulfill any particular request and makes no promise in that regard. Of course, a parent who coaches will have their own child on the team.
Please note that at ages U10 and up, the program’s obligation to attempt to assemble balanced teams is particularly paramount, and, accordingly, grouping teams in accord with family requests secondary.
Is there an "in-house" tournament at the end of the season?
The tournament is under consideration. Stay tuned for more information. 

Can my child wear jewelry during his/her game?
Law 4 of the FIFA Laws of the Game states that "All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather, rubber bands, etc.) are strictly forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover any jewelry is not acceptable."

Players uniforms will be inspected by referees prior to the start of the game and players wearing unauthorized clothing or jewelry will be asked to remove it in order to participate in the game.

Late Fees and Refunds
A fee of $35 will be added to any late registration that is accepted by the club after the normal registration window closes.
No refund of registration fees will be given after the normal registration window closes. 

NSC News

Helpful coaching tools and links to educational opportunities can be found on our Coaches Page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about registration, practice times, etc? See our FAQ page to learn more or contact us at [email protected].

Picture Schedule Spring 2025